Thriller Opening Sequence Research
Duress Opening Sequence:
Interesting things about this:
- The glitch effect of the credits
- The fade to black after each credit is shown
- It shows snippets of the film that allude to what is potentially going to happen in the future of the film
- The music is simple but effective in terms of building suspense in a way that is suspenseful and creepy
- The music is simple enough to not overpower the film, but powerful enough to engage the audience while building the suspense
A Quiet Place:
Interesting things about this:
- The lack of music creates this effect that shows the emptiness of the place and the effect it has had on the people remaining
- Morph/jump cuts
Interesting things about this:
- Diegetic sound is really important
- Very little music at the beginning. When she's running, there is a staccato beat that builds the suspense, and in a way represents that time is very important, and/or the fact that she needs to be quick and is running out of time
- The use of shadows to show she's being followed rather than a shot of the people themselves
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