Technology Notes

  • Photochemical film has been the exclusive format used to capture, develop, project and store moving images for over 100 years.
  • Digital technology is evolving to a point that may very well replace film as the primary means of creating and sharing motion pictures
  • Is it the end of film?
  • Cinematography is a mixture of art and technology
  • With digital cameras you are able to see exactly what you are filming as opposed to film cameras where it had to be processed and developed before seeing what was filmed the prior day
  • This gives more scope and opportunity to be creative (seeing what was filmed and able to make quick changes)
  • Editing on film is just the technology; the art form is the manipulation of images to tell a story
  • As computers and more technology was introduced, people were wary about using it since they didn't have much knowledge about it. Whereas working with tangible film left no room for accidental deletion or work removed, digital film made mistakes much more easily made.
  • It's a different way of thinking
  • Film taught discipline
  • VFX and editing means you have to be an artist and a technician at the same time - understanding a huge variety of the different aspects of the world around us and understanding the physics of the way light reacts to different surfaces, animation, the way people and animals move
  • Cinematography is the process of making a movie world look believable. Its a mix of art and technology.
  • Film add texture and accentuates high and lowlights.
  • Digital cameras allow you to see what you have captured immediately

  • Daily's meant people had to wait till the next day to see their footage.
  • Digital cameras were first used in Dogma 95
  • Digital cameras were much easier to use for hand held shots
  • When digital film making was introduced, the whole production process had to be changed
  • At first filming digitally was thought of as cheap and amature-ish 
  • Digital cameras allowed films to be made for less money
  • Digital filming meant people could keep filming for hours on end, and actors would get tired.
  • You could get a variety of shots and much more of them
  • digital editing was developed into a computer based system in the 1980s
  • Editing became far easier and the discipline of the intension behind film editing was lost, or rather was no longer a forced factor that came into editing.
  • Introduction of CGI
  • "Everybody has a piece of paper and a pencil. But how many great stories have been written?" The same thing is going to happen and is happening in cinema.


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