Teen Drama: Riverdale Notes
- Create a page with notes for what you'd write in an essay, commenting on how the 4 technical areas are used to create meaning
- Write down what you think the 'big ideas' are in terms of who is being represented & how
- think about the idea of 'stereotypes' and how those traditional stereotypes are either challenged or conformed to.
- Shot reverse shot (we see the dialogue and their reactions/facial expressions)
- Close ups -shows facial expressions
- Handheld , POV
- Camera angles are important in creating meaning
- Tension shown between Cheryl and Betty (seen through body language, glances, rolling eyes)
- When Cheryl is coming closer and Archie notices, the camera shots show his facial expressions which indicate he doesn't want to be near her, further emphasized when he leaves just as she arrives.
- In mufti clothes
- Archie is wearing a football jacket (jock)
- Cheryl's skirt matches her hair
- Pink makes Betty look innocent
- Girl with darker features seemed more sinister, confident
- Setting - high school, outside, natural lighting, well spoken
- The clothing etc. shows that the school and students are somewhat wealthy
- panning between characters
- shows the conversation and reactions to the convo.
- It is obvious that the people aren't friends or comfortable with Cheryl and the tension is shown.
- non-diegetic
- diegetic
- the music at the beginning is made to sound like non-diegetic sound, since the characters are not introduced yet, but as they are, it is revealed that it is in fact diegetic and is the music that Archie has made.
- "is cheerleading still a thing?" "is being the gay best friend still a thing?"
Areas represented:
- Class & status - clothes, pearls, handbag etc.
- Age - teenagers
- Gender
- Sexuality & relationships -gay best friend ("is being the gay best friend still a thing")
Stereotypes & breaking stereotypes (jock making music)
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